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Columbiformes- حماميات الشكل
Spur-winged lapwing Vanellus spinosus
Eurasian collard dove

Eurasian collard dove - Streptopelia decaocto – يمامة مطوقة

May 13, 2018 north of Wadi Al'Wala in a farming district

A widely distributed bird throughout the entire country except for the arid desert regions. Usually seen on electric poles and fences.

namaqua dove

Namaqua dove- Oena capensis  يمام طويل الذنب

Juvenile male ♂ 

January 31, 2018

Ghour Fifa

The dove made its way to Jordan from its initial home in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. Initial records of its arrival to the area were from Palestine in December of 1961 in western Al'Naqab desert (Shirihai & Gellert  1999).

Namaqua dove- Oena capensis  يمام طويل الذنب

May 5, 2018 Wadi

Al'Mujib Reservoir 

Can be seen at any month of the  year with record sightings from the Jordan Valley, Azraq, Aqaba, and even Mudawara area at the southern most boarders of the country adjacent to the Saudi boarders. The majority of records however are from the Jordan Valley.

rock dove columba livia

Rock dove – Columba livia – حمام الصخر 

December 28, 2016-Naoor overlooking Fog Canyon

A very common breeding and also a domesticated resident dove in Jordan found wild in various places except opened deserts. 


Identified columbid species to date

Columbiformes-   حماميات الشكل


Eurasian collard dove - Streptopelia decaocto يمامة مطوقة

Laughing dove - Spilopelia senegalensis –  اليمامة الضاحكة 

Namaqua dove- Oena capensisيمام طويل الذنب  

Rock dove – Columba livia – حمام الصخر

Turtle dove - Streptopelia turtur  - حمامة سلحفائية 

تتكون عائلة الحمام كولومبيدى من الحمام وهوا الاكبر حجما واليمام الاصغر حجما وتشمل 42 جنس تحتها 310 أنواع موزعة على كافة انحاء العالم عدا القطبين وتحتوي بلدان جنوب شرق اسيا واستراليا على أكبر تنوع لهذه الطيور. غذائها الرئيسي البذور والفواكه والنباتات. الحمام واليمام على الاغلب هي الطيور الاكثر شيوعا في العالم. تم التعرف في الاردن على ما مجموعه ثمانية انواع من الحمام خمسة منها موضحة في هذا الجزء من طيور الاردن:

Rock dove - Stock dove – Woodpigeon - African collard dove, Collard dove - Turtle dove - Laughing dove - Namaqua dove

Namaqua dove

Namaqua dove- Oena capensis – Female- يمام طويل الذنب

May 5, 2018 Wadi Al'Mujib Reservoir 

A  small and graceful yet not a very common breeding resident with increasing records from various places in the country.

laughing doves

Laughing dove - Spilopelia senegalensis –  اليمامة الضاحكة 

May 13, 2018 South of Wadi Al'Wala 

First observed in the seventies of the last century this is now a very common breeding bird throughout most of the country. 

Turtle dove - Streptopelia turtur  - حمامة سلحفائية

May 30, 2018 Jordan Valley

A common spring-early autumn breeding migrant dove. Found in various regions including the rift margins, the wooded eastern mountains and Azraq area. The turtle dove in Jordan is subject to extensive butchering in desert areas where present.  

© Hani F. Kaddumi 2018-حقوق الموقع محفوظة 

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